- O. Amor-Gutiérrez, G. Selvolini, M.T. Fernández-Abedul, A. de la Escosura-Muñiz, G. Marrazza, Folding-Based Electrochemical Aptasensor for the Determination of β-Lactoglobulin on Poly-L-Lysine Modified Graphite Electrodes, Sensors, 20 (2020) 2349
- J.B. Sousa, J. Ramos-Jesus, L.C. Silva, C. Pereira, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, R.A.S. Fonseca, R. Miranda-Castro, C. Delerue-Matos, J. Ribeiro Santos Junior, M. Fátima Barroso, Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles-based magnetoplatform for the HMGA maize endogenous gene electrochemical genosensing, Talanta, 206 (2020) 120220
- E. Martinez-Periñán, C. Gutierrez-Sanchez, T. Garcia-Mendiola, E. Lorenzo, Electrochemiluminescence Biosensors Using Screen-Printed Electrodes, Biosensors, 10 (2020) 118.
- S. Hernandez, J.V. Perales-Rondon, A. Heras, A. Colina, Electrochemical SERS and SOERS in a single experiment: A new methodology for quantitative analysis, Electrochimica Acta, 334 (2020) 135561
- O. Amor-Gutiérrez, A. Iglesias-Mayor, P. Llano-Suárez, J.M. Costa-Fernández, A. Soldado, A. Podadera, F. Parra, A. Costa García, A. de la Escosura-Muñiz, Electrochemical quantification of Ag2S quantum dots: evaluation of different surface coating ligands for bacteria determination, Microchimica Acta, 187 (2020) 169
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- A. Díaz-Fernández, R. Lorenzo-Gómez, R. Miranda-Castro, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, Electrochemical aptasensors for cancer diagnosis in biological fluids – A review, Analytica Chimica Acta, 1124 (2020) 1-19.
- B. Pérez-Fernández, A. Costa-García, A. de la Escosura-Muñiz, Electrochemical (Bio)Sensors for Pesticides Detection Using Screen-Printed Electrodes, Biosensors, 10 (2020) 32
- F. Vulcano, A. Kovtun, C. Bettini, Z. Xia, A. Liscio, F. Terzi, A. Heras, A. Colina, B. Zanfrognini, M. Melucci, Dopamine-functionalized graphene oxide as a high-performance material for biosensing, 2D Materials, 7 (2020) 024007
- M. Revenga-Parra, S.N. Robledo, E. Martínez-Periñán, M.M. González-Quirós, A. Colina, A. Heras, F. Pariente, E. Lorenzo, Direct determination of monosaccharides in honey by coupling a sensitive new Schiff base Ni complex electrochemical sensor and chemometric tools, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 312 (2020) 127848
- C. Gutierrez-Sanchez, M. Mediavilla, T. Guerrero-Esteban, M. Revenga-Parra, F. Pariente, E. Lorenzo, Direct covalent immobilization of new nitrogen-doped carbon nanodots by electrografting for sensing applications, Carbon, 159 (2020) 303-310.
- B. Pérez-Fernández, J.V. Mercader, A. Abad-Fuentes, B.I. Checa-Orrego, A. Costa-García, A. de la Escosura-Muñiz, Direct competitive immunosensor for Imidacloprid pesticide detection on gold nanoparticle-modified electrodes, Talanta, 209 (2020) 120465
- S. Hernandez, J.V. Perales-Rondon, A. Arnaiz, M. Perez-Estebanez, E. Gomez, A. Colina, A. Heras, Determination of nicotinamide in a multivitamin complex by electrochemical-surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 879 (2020) 114743
- F. Olmo, J. Garoz-Ruiz, A. Colina, A. Heras, Derivative UV/Vis spectroelectrochemistry in a thin-layer regime: deconvolution and simultaneous quantification of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 412 (2020) 6329-6339
- A. Placido, F. Ferreira-da-Silva, J. Leite, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, C. Delerue-Matos, A convenient renewable surface plasmon resonance chip for relative quantification of genetically modified soybean in food and feed, Plos One, 15 (2020) e0229659
- M. Perez-Estebanez, S. Hernandez, J.V. Perales-Rondon, E. Gomez, A. Heras, A. Colina, Chemical selectivity in electrochemical surface oxidation enhanced Raman scattering, Electrochimica Acta, 353 (2020) 136560
- C. Gutierrez-Sanchez, E. Martinez-Perinan, C. Buso-Rogero, M. Revenga-Parra, F. Pariente, E. Lorenzo, Carbon nanodots: a new precursor to achieve reactive nanoporous HOPG surfaces, Nano Research, 13(2020) 3425-32
- S. Catalán-Gómez, M. Briones, S. Cortijo-Campos, T. García-Mendiola, A. de Andrés, S. Garg, et al.,, Breast cancer biomarker detection through the photoluminescence of epitaxial monolayer MoS2 flakes, Scientific Reports, 10 (2020) 16039
- M. Revenga-Parra, A.M. Villa-Manso, M. Briones, E. Mateo-Marti, E. Martinez-Periñán, E. Lorenzo, F. Pariente, Bioelectrocatalytic platforms based on chemically modified nanodiamonds by diazonium salt chemistry, Electrochimica Acta, 357 (2020) 136876
- A. Iglesias-Mayor, O. Amor-Gutiérrez, A. Novelli, M.-T. Fernández-Sánchez, A. Costa-García, A. de la Escosura-Muñiz, Bifunctional Au@Pt/Au core@shell Nanoparticles As Novel Electrocatalytic Tags in Immunosensing: Application for Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarker Detection, Analytical Chemistry, 92 (2020) 7209-17.
- A. Díaz-Fernández, R. Miranda-Castro, N. Díaz, D. Suárez, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, Aptamers targeting protein-specific glycosylation in tumor biomarkers: general selection, characterization and structural modeling, Chemical Science, 11(2020) 9402-13.
- J.L. Olloqui-Sariego, G.S. Zakharova, A.A. Poloznikov, J.J. Calvente, D.M. Hushpulian, L. Gorton, et al., Influence of tryptophan mutation on the direct electron transfer of immobilized tobacco peroxidase, Electrochimica Acta, 351 (2020) 136465.
- C. Abardía-Serrano, R. Miranda-Castro, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, New uses for the personal glucose meter: Detection of nucleic acid biomarkers for prostate cancer screening, Sensors, 20 (2020) 5514.
- R. Lorenzo-Gómez, D. González-Robles, R. Miranda-Castro, N. de-Los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, On the electrochemical detection of alpha-eetoprotein using aptamers: DNA Isothermal amplification strategies to improve the performance of weak aptamers, Biosensors, 10 (2020) 46.
- C. Martínez-Domingo, S. Conti, A. de la Escosura-Muñiz, L. Terés, A. Merkoçi, E. Ramon, Organic-based field effect transistors for protein detection fabricated by inkjet-printing, Organic Electronics, 84 (2020) 105794.
- S. Royuela, E. Martinez-Periñán, M.P. Arrieta, J.I. Martínez, M. Mar Ramos, F. Zamora, et al., Oxygen reduction using a metal-free naphthalene diimide-based covalent organic framework electrocatalyst, Chemical Communications, 56 (2020) 1267-70.
- G. Pérez-Mejías, J.L. Olloqui-Sariego, A. Guerra-Castellano, A. Díaz-Quintana, J.J. Calvente, R. Andreu, et al., Physical contact between cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c increases the driving force for electron transfer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Bioenergetics, 1861 (2020) 148277.
- M. Díaz-González, A. de la Escosura-Muñiz, M.T. Fernandez-Argüelles, F.J. García Alonso, J.M. Costa-Fernandez, Quantum dot bioconjugates for diagnosticapplications, Topics in Current Chemistry, 378 (2020) 35.
- G. Tabares, A. Redondo-Cubero, L. Vázquez, M. Revenga, S. Cortijo-Campos, E. Lorenzo, et al., A route to detect H2 in ambient conditions using a sensor based on reduced graphene oxide, Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 304 (2020) 111884.
- F. Olmo, J. Garoz-Ruiz, J. Carazo, A. Colina, A. Heras, Spectroelectrochemical Determination of Isoprenaline in a Pharmaceutical Sample, Sensors, 20 (2020) 5179.
- R. Miranda-Castro, I. Palchetti, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, The translational potential of electrochemical DNA-based liquid biopsy, Frontiers in chemistry, 8 (2020) 143.
- R. Svigelj, N. Dossi, S. Pizzolato, R. Toniolo, R. Miranda-Castro, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, Truncated aptamers as selective receptors in a gluten sensor supporting direct measurement in a deep eutectic solvent, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 165 (2020) 112339.
- A.C. Gonzalez-Baro, D. Izquierdo, A. Heras, A. Colina, UV/Vis spectroelectrochemistry of o-vanillin: Study of the antioxidant properties, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 859 (2020) 113844.
- M. Briones, C. Buso-Rogero, S. Catalan-Gomez, T. Garcia-Mendiola, F. Pariente, A. Redondo-Cubero, et al., ZnO nanowire-based fluorometric enzymatic assays for lactate and cholesterol, Microchimica Acta, 187 (2020) 180.
- T. García-Mendiola, C. Gutiérrez-Sánchez, I. Torres, C. Gibaja, C. Busó-Rogero, F. Pariente, J. Solera, Z. Razavifar, J. J. Palacios, F. Zamora, E. Lorenzo. Functionalization of Few-Layer Antimonene with Oligonucleotides for DNA Sensing, ACS Appl. Nano Mater 3 (2020) 3625–3633
- T. García-Mendiola, S. Requena-Sanz, E. Martínez-Periñán, I. Bravo, F. Pariente, E. Lorenzo. Influence of carbon nanodots on DNA-Thionine interaction. Application to breast cancer diagnosis. Electrochimica Acta 353 (2020) 136522
- R. Jiménez-Pérez, L. Almagro, M.I. González-Sánchez, M.A. Pedreño, E. Valero. Non-enzymatic screen-printed sensor based on PtNPs@Poly(Azure A) for the real-time monitoring of the H2O2 released from living plant cells, Boelectrochemistry 134 (2020) 107526.
- F. Jiménez-Fiérrez, M.I. González-Sánchez, R. Jiménez-Pérez, J. Iniesta, E. Valero. Glucose biosensor based on disposable activated carbon electrodes modified with platinum nanoparticles electrodeposited on Poly(Azure A), Sensors 20 (2020) 4489.
- S. Gutiérrez-Tarriño, J. L. Olloqui-Sariego, J. J. Calvente, G. Mínguez Espallargas, F. Rey, A. Corma, P. Oña-Burgos, Cobalt Metal-Organic Framework Based on Layered Double Nanosheets for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation in Neutral Media, Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (2020) 19198.
- I. Márquez, J.L. Olloqui-Sariego, M. Molero, R. Andreu, E. Roldán, J.J. Calvente, Active Role of the Buffer in the Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer of Immobilized Iron Porphyrins, Inorganic Chemistry, 60 (2021) 42-54
- J.L. Olloqui-Sariego, J.J. Calvente, R. Andreu, Immobilizing redox enzymes at mesoporous and nanostructured electrodes, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 26 (2021) 100658.
- A. Díaz-Fernández, R. Miranda-Castro, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, P. Estrela, Impedimetric aptamer-based glycan PSA score for discrimination of prostate cancer from other prostate diseases, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 175(2021) 112872.
- R. Sánchez-Salcedo, R. Miranda-Castro, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón. Dual electrochemical genosensor for early diagnosis of prostate cancer through lncRNAs detection. Biosens. Bioelectron. 192 (2021) 113520.
- G. Stefan, O. Hosu, K. De Wael, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, C. Cristea. Aptamers in biomedicine: Selection strategies and recent advance. Electrochimica Acta, 276 (2021) 137994.
- E. Sánchez-Báscones, F. Parra, M.J. Lobo-Castañón. Aptamers against viruses: selection strategies and bioanalytical applications. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 143 (2021) 116349.
- T. Guerrero-Esteban, C. Gutierrez-Sanchez, E. Martinez-Periñán, M. Revenga-Parra, F. Pariente, E. Lorenzo, Sensitive glyphosate electrochemiluminescence immunosensor based on electrografted carbon nanodots, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 330 (2021).
- S. Hernandez, J.V. Perales-Rondon, A. Heras, Alvaro Colina, Enhancement factors in electrochemical surface oxidation enhanced Raman scattering, Electrochimica Acta, 380 (2021) 138223.
- M. Pérez-Estébanez, W. Cheuquepán, J.V. Cuevas-Vicario, S. Hernandez, A. Heras, A. Colina, Double fingerprint characterization of uracil and 5-fluorouracil, Electrochimica Acta, 388 (2021) 138615.
- W. Cheuquepán, S. Hernandez, M. Pérez-Estébanez, L. Romay, A. Heras, A. Colina, Electrochemical generation of surface enhanced Raman scattering substrates for the determination of folic acid, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 896 (2021) 115288.
- M. Díaz González; A. de la Escosura Muñiz, Strip modification and alternative architectures for signal amplification in nanoparticle-based lateral flow assays, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2021, 413, 4111–4117.
- S. García; O. Amor Gutiérrez; M. Palomares Albarrán; C. Toyos Rodríguez; F. Cuetos; C. Martínez; A. Costa García; M. T. Fernández Sánchez; A. de la Escosura Muñiz; A. Novelli, Unfolded p53 as a marker of oxidative stress in Mild Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, Current Alzheimer Research. 2021, 18, 695-700
- A.M. Villa-Manso, M. Revenga-Parra, M. Vera-Hidalgo, M. Vazquez Sulleiro, E.M. Perez, E. Lorenzo, F. Pariente, 2D MoS2 nanosheets and hematein complexes deposited on screen-printed graphene electrodes as an efficient electrocatalytic sensor for detecting hydrazine, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 345 (2021) 130385.
- T. Guerrero-Estebean, C. Gutiérrez-Sánchez, T. García-Mendiola, M. Revenga-Parra, F. Pariente, E. Lorenzo, Bifunctional carbon nanodots for highly sensitive HER2 determination based on electrochemiluminescence, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 343 (2021) 130096.
- E. Martínez-Periñán, T. García-Mendiola, E. Enebral-Romero, R.del Cano, M.Vera-Hidalgo, M. Vázquez Sulleiro, C. Navío, F. Pariente, E. M. Pérez, E. Lorenzo. MoS2 platform and thionine-carbon nanodots for sensitive and selective detection of pathogens. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 189 (2021) 113375.
- L. Gutiérrez‑Gálvez, T. García‑Mendiola, C. Gutiérrez‑Sánchez, T. Guerrero‑Esteban, C. García‑Diego, I. Buendía, M. L. García‑Bermejo, F. Pariente, E. Lorenzo. Carbon nanodot–based electrogenerated chemiluminescence biosensor for miRNA‑21 detection. Microchimica Acta 188 (2021) 398.
- M. Garrido, E. Martínez-Periñán, J. Calbo, L. Rodríguez-Pérez, J. Aragó, E. Lorenzo, E. Ortí, N. Martín, M. A. Herranz. Supramolecular assembly of pyrenetetrathiafulvalene hybrids on graphene: structure–property relationships and biosensing activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9 (2021) 10944.
- R. Jiménez-Pérez, J. Iniesta, M.T. Baeza, E. Valero. On the performance of carbon-based screen-printed electrodes for (in)organic hydroperoxides sensing in rainwater, Talanta 234 (2021) 122699
- F. Olmo, A. Rodríguez, A. Colina A. Heras, UV/Vis absorption spectroelectrochemistry of folic acid, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 26 (2022) 29-37.
- S. Hernandez*, L. Garcia, M. Perez-Estebanez, W. Cheuquepan, A. Heras, A. Colina, Multiamperometric-SERS detection of melamine on gold screen-printed electrodes, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 918 (2022) 116478
- S. Hernandez, J.V. Perales-Rondon, A. Heras, A. Colina, Simultaneous Raman and reflection UV/Vis absorption spectroelectrochemistry, NanoResearch, 15 (2022) 5340-5346.
- M. Pérez-Estébanez, W. Cheuquepan, M. Huidobro, J.V. Cuevas, S. Hernandez, A. Heras, A. Colina, Raman spectroelectrochemical determination of clopyralid in tap water, Microchemical Journal, 186 (2022) 108018.
- R. Lorenzo-Gómez, A. Casero-Álvarez, R. Miranda-Castro, M. García-Ocaña, J. R de los Toyos, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón. A competitive assay for the detection of a 16-mer peptide from α1 chain of human collagen XI. Talanta, 240 (2022) 123196.
- R. Sánchez-Salcedo, Paula Gómez-Meijide, R. Miranda-Castro, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón. Electrochemical sensors using oligonucleotides as recognition ligands for liquid biopsy in prostate cancer. Biosensors and Bioelectronics X, 12 (2022) 100227.
- R.Lorenzo-Gomez, R. Miranda-Castro, J. R. de los Toyos, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M. J. Lobo-Castañón. Aptamers targeting a tumor-associated extracellular matrix component: The human mature collagen XIa1. Analytica Chimica Acta 1189, (2022) 339206.
- R. Lorenzo-Gómez, R. Miranda-Castro N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón. Bioanalytical methods for circulating extracellular matrix-related proteins: new opportunities in cancer diagnosis. Anal. Bioanal. Chem, 414 (2022) 147.
- A. Iglesias Mayor; O. Amor Gutiérrez; C. Toyos Rodríguez; A. Bassegoda; T. Tzanov; A. de la Escosura Muñiz, Electrical monitoring of infection biomarkers in chronic wounds using nanochannels, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2022, 209, 113926-114243,
- B. Pérez Fernández; A. de la Escosura Muñiz, Electrochemical biosensors based on nanomaterials for aflatoxins detection: A review (2015-2021), Analytica Chimica Acta 2022, 1212, 339658,
- C. Toyos Rodríguez; A. Llamedo González; D. Pando; S. García; J. Á. García; F. Javier G. Alonso; A. de la Escosura Muñiz, Novel magnetic beads with improved performance for Alzheimer’s disease biomarker detection, Microchemical Journal 2022, 175, 107211.
- C. Toyos Rodríguez; A. Adawy; F. J. García Alonso; A. de la Escosura Muñiz, Enhancing the electrocatalytic activity of palladium nanocluster tags by selective introduction of gold atoms: Application for a wound infection biomarker detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2022, 200, 113926
- I. Torres, A.M. Villa-Manso, M. Revenga-Parra, C. Gutiérrez-Sánchez, D.A. Aldave, E. Salagre, E.G. Michel, M. Varela, J. Gómez-Herrero, E. Lorenzo, F. Pariente, F. Zamora, Preparation of high-quality few-layers bismuthene hexagons, Applied Materials Today 26 (2022) 101360.
- T. Guerrero-Esteban, C. Gutiérrez-Sánchez, A.M. Villa-Manso, M. Revenga-Parra, F. Pariente, E. Lorenzo, Sensitive SARS-CoV-2 detection in wastewaters using a carbon nanodot-amplified electrochemiluminescence immunosensor, Talanta 247 (2022) 123543.
- L. Gutiérrez-Gálvez, R. del Caño, I. Menéndez-Luque, D. García-Nieto, M. Rodríguez-Pena, M. Luna, T. Pineda, F. Pariente, T. García-Mendiola, E. Lorenzo. Electrochemiluminescent nanostructured DNA biosensor for SARS-CoV-2 detection, Talanta 240 (2022) 123203.
- J. A. M. Xavier, C, Viñas, E, Lorenzo, T. García-Mendiola, F. Teixidor. Potential application of metallacarboranes as internal reference: An electrochemical comparative study to ferrocene. Chemical Communications. 58 (2022) 4196.
- R.del Caño, T. García-Mendiola, D. García-Nieto, R. Álvaro, M. Luna, H. Alarcón Iniesta, R. Coloma, C. Rodríguez Diaz, P. Milán-Rois, M. Castellanos, M. Abreu, R. Cantón, J. C. Galán, T. Pineda, F. Pariente, R. Miranda, Á. Somoza, E. Lorenzo. Amplification-Free Detection of SARS-CoV-2 using Gold Nanotriangles Functionalized with Oligonucleotides. Microchimica Acta. 189.(2022) 171.
- K. Kaci, R. del Caño, M. Luna, G. González de Rivera, T. García-Mendiola, E. Lorenzo. Paving the way to Point of Care (POC) devices for SARS-CoV-2 detection. Talanta. 247, (2022) 123542.
- C. Pina-Coronado, Á. Martínez-Sobrino, L. Gutiérrez-Gálvez, R. Del Caño, E. Martínez-Periñán, D. García-Nieto, M. Rodríguez-Peña, M. Luna, P. Milán-Rois, M. Castellanos, M. Abreu, R. Cantón, J. C. Galán, T. Pineda, F. Pariente, Á. Somoza, T. García-Mendiola, R. Miranda, E. Lorenzo. Methylene Blue functionalized carbon nanodots combined with different shape gold nanostructures for sensitive and selective SARS-CoV-2 sensing. Sensor and Actuators. 369 (2022) 132217.
- P. García-Arroyo, E.Martínez-Periñán, J. J Cabrera-Trujillo, E. Salagre, E. G Michel, J. I Martínez, E. Lorenzo, Jo. L Segura. Pyrenetetraone-based covalent organic framework as an effective electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. NanoResearch. 15 (5) (2022) 3907.
- C. Gutiérrez-Sánchez, E. Lorenzo.Advances on oxidase enzymes modified nanoporous surfaces for bioelectrochemical applications. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 169 (2022) 027513.
- M. Martínez-Fernández, E. Martínez-Periñán, S. Royuela, J. Martínez, F. Zamora, E. Lorenzo, J. L. Segura. Covalent organic frameworks based on electroactive naphthalenediimide as active electrocatalysts toward oxygen reduction reaction. Applied Materials Today 26 (2022) 101384.
- E. Brazález, H. Macià, G. Díaz, M.T. Baeza, E. Valero, V. Valero, FUME: An Air Quality Decision Support System for Cities based on CEP Technology and Fuzzy Logic, Applied Soft Computing 129 (2022) 109536.
- A. Portorreal-Bottier, S. Gutiérrez-Tarriño, J. J. Calvente, R. Andreu, E. Roldán, P. Oña-Burgos, J. L. Olloqui-Sariego, Enzyme-like activity of cobalt-MOF nanosheets for hydrogen peroxide electrochemical sensing, Sensors And Actuators B, 368 (2022) 132129.
- J. L. Olloqui-Sariego, G. Perez-Mejias, I. Marquez, A. Guerra Castellano, J. J. Calvente, M. A. De la Rosa, R. Andreu, I. Diaz-Montero, Electric field-Induced functional changes in electrode-immobilized mutant species of human cytochrome c, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Bionergetics 1863 (2022) 148570.
- S. Gutiérrez-Tarriño, A. Portorreal-Bottier, S. Trasobares, J. J. Calvente, J. J. Calvino, J. L. Olloqui-Sariego, P. Oña-Burgos, Understanding the potential-induced activation of a cobalt MOF electrocatalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction, Applied Surface Science 623 (2023) 157001.
- F. Olmo, J. Garoz-Ruiz, A. Heras, A. Colina, Normal or parallel configuration in spectroelectrochemistry? Bidimensional spectroelectroanalysis in presence of an antioxidant compound, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 935 (2023) 117333.
- J.V. Perales-Rondon, S. Hernandez, A.C. Gonzalez-Baro, A. Heras, A. Colina, Simultaneous Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy and UV-Vis Absorption Spectroelectrochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, 95 (2023) 10532.
- S. Hernández, W. Cheuquepan, M. Pérez-Estébanez, A. Heras, A. Colina, Silver hexacyanoferrate (II) nanocrystals as a new material to improve Raman scattering enhancement during silver surface oxidation, Electrochimica Acta, 465 (2023) 142994.
- S. Hernández, M. Pérez-Estébanez, W. Cheuquepan, J.V. Perales-Rondon, A. Heras, A. Colina, Raman, UV-Vis Absorption, and Fluorescence Spectroelectrochemistry for Studying the Enhancement of the Raman Scattering Using Nanocrystals Activated by Metal Cations, Analytical Chemistry, 95 (2023) 16070.
- R. Sánchez-Salcedo, R. Miranda-Castro, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, D. Fernández-Martínez, L. J. García-Flórez, M. J. Lobo-Castañón. An electrochemical genosensing platform for the relative quantification of the circulating long noncoding RNA CCAT1 to aid in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Sensors and Actuators B, 376 (2023) 132940.
- C. Muñoz-San Martín, A. Montero-Calle, M. Garranzo-Asensio, M. Gamella, V. Pérez-Ginés, M. Pedrero, J.M. Pingarrón, R. Barderas, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M. J. Lobo-Castañón, S. Campuzano. First bioelectronic immunoplatform for quantitative secretomic analysis of total and metastasis-driven glycosylated haptoglobin. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 45 (2023) 2045-2057.
- M.A. Cobzariu, M.J. Lobo-Castañón, R. Miranda-Castro. Enzyme-assisted isothermal amplification of nucleic acids on the electrode surface. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 40 (2023) 101322.
- M. Aller Pellitero, N. de-los-Santos-Álvarez, M.J. Lobo-Castañón. Aptamer-based electrochemical approaches to meet some of the challenges in the fight against cancer. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 39 (2023) 101286.
- D. Valero Calvo; C. Toyos Rodríguez; F. J. García Alonso; A. de la Escosura Muñiz, Electrochemical monitoring of enzymatic cleavage in nanochannels with nanoparticle‑based enhancement: determination of MMP‑9 biomarker, Microchimica Acta. 190 (2023) 257.
- B. Pérez Fernández; B. M. Maestroni; S. Nakaya; S. Bussalino; C. Vlachou; A. de la Escosura Muñiz, Development, optimization and validation of an electrochemical immunosensor for determination of total aflatoxins in pistachio, Food Control 152 (2023) 109859.
- A.M. Villa Manso; T. Guerrero Esteban; F. Pariente; C. Toyos Rodríguez; A. de la Escosura Muñiz; M. Revenga-Parra; C. Gutiérrez-Sánchez; E. Lorenzo, Bifunctional Au@Pt/Au nanoparticles as electrochemiluminescence signaling probes for SARS-CoV-2 detection, Talanta 260 (2023) 124614.
- C. Toyos Rodríguez; F. J. García Alonso; A. de la Escosura Muñiz, Towards the maximization of nanochannels blockage through antibody-antigen charge control: Application for the detection of an Alzheimer’s disease biomarker, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 380 (2023) 133394.
- C. Toyos Rodríguez; D. Valero Calvo; A. de la Escosura Muñiz, Advances in the screening of antimicrobial compounds using electrochemical biosensors: is there room for nanomaterials?, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 415 (2023) 1107.
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